Yoga & Pilates


Are you fed up of ongoing aches and stiffness, leaving you feeling older than your years?

Hayley Yoga/ Pilates position

Wide range of Online Classes

and In-Person Classes 

Want to feel fit and strong, supple and mobile, and better your posture?

yoga exercises

One of the common challenges my clients face is due to age-related aches and stiffness, which leaves them feeling old and unfit! They want to feel confident and move in a pain-free way and be able to do most things as they get older. They want to find something that’s gentle on their body to help them feel strong and supple, that they can do for life!

Our Classes

Pilates Class

All Classes

At your £1 Trial Class you will discover...

  • Simple safe exercises that will help to reduce aches and stiffness

  • A Pilates routine taught by an experienced instructor that will increase strength and movement
  • Tips to take away after the class on how to improve posture and release tension

If this sounds like you..

..and you’d love to try our £1 trial yoga and pilates classes, this is for you!

We’ll work on improving your mobility and fitness, your posture, and relieve those neck and back problems so you can feel better in yourself and slow down the ageing process!

Yoga group class
PIlates/ Yoga position

Book your Class Today for only £1

Here is what some of my clients have said..

A physio recommended Pilates after I had a hip replacement. Being a older lady in my seventies, I was a bit apprehensive having never done anything like that. My first meeting I knew that wasn’t going to be a problem. Hayley & everyone made me feel very welcome. Since attending the classes, I find I have so much more movement. Hayley is a brilliant teacher & puts you at ease. One thing Pilates has given me is my confidence.

Hazel Birch – Nursling

Yoga Student

I started Pilates as I was feeling like I needed to do something to improve my general health/core strength. I have suffered with lower back pain intermittently for many years. It was a real effort for me initially because my previous experience of Pilates was boring, but I knew I needed to persevere. From coming to classes, my general well-being has improved incredibly. I feel more supple and less stiff. It’s a chance to spend an hour concentrating on me, exercising important muscles that we weaken with our sedentary lifestyles, and the breathing helps relax the mind and I’m unable to think of anything else, which is an hour of mindfulness! Hayley is great. She’s fun, easy going, and very encouraging and supportive.

Claire Robinson – Nursling

Yoga student
Pilates Student

I started pilates because I felt generally sluggish and lacking energy. I had reservations because I worried it might be too physical for my neck and lower back problem. Doing pilates has definitely made me stronger over time. I like pilates because it is a fun way of exercising. Hayley is a good patient teacher who always makes allowances for those of us older ones that can’t do the more difficult moves. I like the relaxing atmosphere of your classes and your professional attitude.

Lorraine Goble – Nursling